Cyber Physical Chain

A new distributed infrastructure for next generation IoT


CPChain is a new distributed infrastructure for next generation IoT. CPChain intends to build a fundamental data platform for IoT systems in combination with distributed storage, encryption computation and blockchain technologies, providing the whole process solution from data acquisition, storage, sharing to application.

CPChain is a promising solution to a series of challenges of the current "chimney architecture" of IoT systems, reducing connectivity cost of devices, protecting data privacy and maximizing the value of IoT data.

Integration of IoT & Blockchain - CPChain


Three major
adoption scenarios

The value of CPChain comes from the improvement of the physical industry’s efficiency and the innovation of business models, which results from data aggregation and mobility.

Multi-parties data transaction - CPChain
Multi-party data transaction

Multi-party trust created by CPChain

Artificial intelligence decisions - CPChain
Artificial intelligence decisions based on IoT big data

Interoperability of heterogeneous data, forming big data aggregation

Interaction and application of data assets - CPChain
Interaction and application of data assets in cross-chain, which lead to new business models

Cross-chain relay and collaboration


CPChain's distributed infrastructure will provide a full process solution for data acquisition, storage, sharing and transacting for large-scale distributed IoT systems. Our technology has the potential to revolutionize multiple industries including intelligent transportation, smart medical, public security, and intelligent manufacturing, etc.



2018 Q4:

CPChain Alpha Mainnet launch
CPChain RNode Structure Release

2019 Q4:

CPChain Ecosystem Stabilization
Traceability and Authentication related project implementation

2020 Q4:

Data encryption services Consolidation
Homomorphic encryption and Blackbox isolation data processing services relization

2018 Q2:

Pdash 1.0 Release

2019 Q2:

CPChain Formal Mainnet Launch

2020 Q2:

DID authentication system realization
Mass adoption of IoT devices Identification and Authentication

2021 Q1:

Upgrade the CPC-Wallet to be decentralized
Design the CPChain DApp Ecosystem and refine the website
Develop the Identity and Message DApp

2018 Q2:

Pdash 1.0 Release

2018 Q4:

CPChain Alpha Mainnet launch
CPChain RNode Structure Release

2019 Q2:

CPChain Formal Mainnet Launch

2019 Q4:

CPChain Ecosystem Stabilization
Traceability and Authentication related project implementation

2020 Q2:

DID authentication system realization
Mass adoption of IoT devices Identification and Authentication

2020 Q4:

Data encryption services Consolidation
Homomorphic encryption and Blackbox isolation data processing services relization

2021 Q1:

Upgrade the CPC-Wallet to be decentralized
Design the CPChain DApp Ecosystem and refine the website
Develop the Identity and Message DApp


Transfer CPC Anytime Anywhere
Transfer CPC Anytime Anywhere